Lower eyelid surgery can remove the bulging fat or excess skin of the lower eyelids, which is one of the main reasons for looking older and more tired. Some dark circles are the results of bulging fat or under eye bags, or from under eye sunkenness. This lower eyelid condition can be corrected by either removing or re-positioning the under eye fat properly. It is considered a simple surgery, using an incision made on the inside of the lower eyelid, called the conjunctiva, so there is no visible scarring.


How is Lower Eyelid Surgery performed?

The Orbital Fat Removal Method uses an incision on the inside of the lower eyelids (conjunctiva) to reach the orbital fat bag. Using this incision, some excess fat is removed and sutured for a smoother under eyelid surface. The Orbital Fat Transpositioning Method uses the same incision as the previous method, then some fat is removed and spread out into sunken areas to fill the tear trough.

Lower Eyelid Surgery can benefit:

- People with dark circles under their eyes.
- People who have some bulging in their lower eyelids.
- People with under eye fat bulging and sunken tear troughs.

Surgery Time.5 - 1 Hour

Surgery Time

.5 - 1 Hour

AnesthesiaLocal W/ Sedation


Local W/ Sedation

Stitch Removal5 - 7 Days

Stitch Removal

5 - 7 Days

Back To Work1 - 2 Weeks

Back To Work

1 - 2 Weeks
