Epicanthoplasty can elongate the eyes horizontally to make them look big and wide. It releases and corrects the epicanthal or Mongolian fold, which is located either on the inner or outer corner of the eyes. This procedure is often recommended in conjunction with double eyelid surgery for optimal results.
How is the Lateral Epicanthoplasty performed?
This surgery reshapes the outer or lateral corners of the eyes to make the eyes appear bigger
and longer horizontally by reshaping the lateral epicanthus. Both the shape and angle of the
eye can be corrected through this surgery. It can be performed alone or together with double
eyelid surgery.
Lateral Epicanthoplasty can benefit:
- People who desire bigger eyes.
- People with upward sloped outer eye corners.
- People whose eyes are too close for medial epicanthoplasty.
Surgery Time
.5 - 1 Hour
Local & Sedation
Stitch Removal
5-7 Days
Back To Work
1 Week