A deviated nose occurs when the nasal septum is deviated or displaced. This condition can block the nasal passage, causing various medical complications but mainly difficulty in breathing. In mild cases of deviation, fillers can be used to correct the outer apperance of deviation, but in order to correct a deviated septum, surgery is necessary.
How is Deviated Nose surgery performed?
It is important to find the reason for the septal deviation before surgery. This will help to solve the
nasal problem and prevent reoccurance. The deviated nasal bone or septal cartilage can be fixed
by osteotomy, which breaks the nasal bone on each side to rearrange it into straight line. Also, the
cartilage can be grafted to reshape the tip to achieve a straighter look.
Deviated Nose surgery can benefit:
- People with a bent or crooked nasal bridge.
- People with difficulty breathing.
- People with asymmetric nostrils caused by deviation.
Surgery Time
2 Hours
or General
Stitch Removal
1 Week
Back To Work
1 - 2 Weeks